Students are invited to the Intermediate Maths Challenge (IMC) preparation sessions at their respective problem solving club. These are sessions tailored to the IMC and will continue up to the 29th January.
5th/6th Form Problem Solving: Monday Lunchtime, 12:40, Room 228
The 5th/6th form had the choice of a previous IMC paper or attempting the questions from the Mclaurin. When students sit the IMC they will be battling for the pride of qualifying for the Olympiad rounds - The Cayley (4th), Hamilton (5th) and Mclaurin (6th).
4th Form Problem Solving: Tuesdays Lunchtime, 12:40, Room 227
The most recent session focused on question 25 from the IMC. Often one of the most challenging questions, students were given opportunity to try and discuss a mix of Q25s on various topics.
IMC papers are available on the Maths Hub. Please see the tannoy for more details of the problem solving societies.